October 2023
Track & Sign Evaluation
Over the weekend of October 14-15, the Minnesota Wildlife Tracking Project hosted CyberTracker Evaluator Daniel Hansche for a Track & Sign Evaluation in the Twin Cities Metro.
Daniel shepherded our group through 55 questions about tracks, scat, marking behaviors, feeding sign, behavioral interpretation, antlers, feathers, nests, and more. Questions covered the tracks or sign of thirteen species of mammals, six species of birds, one species of reptile, five species of invertebrates, one parasitic fungus, and one abiotic process.
A huge thanks to everyone who participated in the evaluation, and to Eric Vehe and Maria Wesserle who assisted Daniel in the field. Congratulations to all the participants, all of whom earned CyberTracker certificate in Track & Sign. Additional congratulations to our five members who earned a new level of certification.Â
Mark Fulton: Track & Sign I
Adrian Iacovino & Whitney Loher: Track & Sign II
Mike Holtz & Allison Zaaccardi: Track & Sign III
Back row, left to right: Jason Askins, John Bauhs, Troy Ellefson, Mike Holtz, Whitney Loher, Maria Wesserle. Front row: Eric Vehe, Whitney Sansom, Allison Zaccardi, Daniel Hansche, Mark Fulton, Adrian Iacovino
Virginia Opossum tracks
Daniel with a Halloween bouquet of dried forbes and grasshoppers parasitized by Entomophaga fungi
Leaf cutter bee sign on an ash sapling
White-tailed Deer antler rub
Wild Turkey scat
Ring-billed Gull track